Monday, September 19, 2011

introducing an artist the same age as us: lee lip jiang!!! haha, he was in my primary school, he is now in SOTA. never talk to him but his talent is crazy!!! he has this series of work (its ongoing) and it is all base on a simple template of his face

every week or so, he would post a new picture of his face and these pictures are based on themes. so far he has 189 pictures. how cool is that? 


jason mraz 


pap and its trend


ronald mcdonald

apple app

mickey mouse

potato man


google map


floor plan
there was this joke under the comment :""Hey lip where do you live?"
"oh, in my face."

presidential elections

these are only some of his works, remember there are 189 of them. he is a genius!!! i seriously admire him. its difficult to constantly come up with new ideas. this whole series, which he calls it: the game is a series of  interesting graphic designs. his creativity never fails to excite me. sota people are really awesome! not only is he good with the computer, he also sketches, here are some of his sketches:

i love his sketches, wish i could sketch like that
his sketches are messy in a neat way, the lines are connected and it looks as if it was drawn effortlessly. some are messier, some are cleaner, his watercolour is light but it's effective, it adds colour without overpowering his lineworks. his perspective and proportions are all great!
like mother like son! but im sure he has his own talents!!
his mother, Tia Boon Sim is an architect and an art and design educator. this is her blog
like her son, she is amazing! love her line works, messy yet organised, proportion's great too! i really wanna learn how to sketch like that. i want to be able to sketch anywhere and everywhere. her drawings are full of details and it gives off a carefree feeling, i personally love her works. her works are also published on stamps!! seen from :
i think she uses indian ink? not very sure about that but her ink is not opaque, and i like it that way. also, it gives her optimum control over the kind of lines that she wants to use, think or thin. oh and her pen is not like the normal ball point pen, i guess its the kind of ink pen.
its a busy day and time now, everyone has no time, there are just so many things to do, sketching fast may just be the solution! i love messy sketches filled with lines, it's as if the lines are alive and they are wriggling around. i like super neat sketches too but i prefer messy sketches over them. but different people have different drawing style, like xindi would be the opposite of these 2 artist, but her work is interesting as well. 

tin states that she's an urban sketcher. urban sketcher, i like that term :} in my free time, i shall start trying to do random sketches. though i have to work on my proportions and i must be able to sketch fast. do the outlines then if the subj matter doesnt move, do the details. one day, i hope i will be able to draw like this. both of them are super talented. hats off

i think his and her lines capture the spirit of spontaneous drawing. art need not be perfect, and drawings need not be perfect to look nice. as long as one can capture the proportion and the basic contour lines then there is meaning in the drawing and people can easily relate it to something. my proportion isnt all that good and i hope that it will be better :/ 


  1. HI SHIYINNNN thanks for introducing this guy to me!!!! I think it's v interesting and I wanna do something like that too, an ongoing kind of work where it's open to public/ social media. But that will need some more brainstorming cos I don't think we can just copy his idea right? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  2. yeap haha, jiayou coming up with an idea!

  3. hi shi yin, thanks for posting about such interesting artists! I never thought that there were such cool people in Singapore. I also like how his mother sketches, it is so free, so natural, so artistic yet at the same time realistic. i especially agree with a statement that you made:

    i think his and her lines capture the spirit of spontaneous drawing. art need not be perfect, and drawings need not be perfect to look nice. as long as one can capture the proportion and the basic contour lines then there is meaning in the drawing and people can easily relate it to something.

    i actually think that for a drawing to not be perfect yet able to capture the sprit of the object is even harder than to make a drawing perfect. i guess it is something like the discussion we had during lesson about the storks by Chen Wen Hsi.
