Wednesday, January 12, 2011

work in progress

(sorry for the poor quality of photos, were taken by my hp)
(also! if you click on it to see it up close, you can see the imperfections!!!!! hahahaha)
(in other words, its best to view it from afar~)

testing testing! here's my first post!
im not sure what i'm supposed to write so here goes~

here's an oil on canvas painting done in 2010!
it's my first oil on canvas painting (if im not wrong)

our class had to choose which style/period that we want to paint in and our theme was "nanyang".
in other words...
we had to do a painting that has got to do with nanyang using the style that we choose
mine was P O P A R T!!
it was fun painting this, though tedious
my painting is fairly straight forward, its nanyang (the building) from the 4th floor though it looks easy, it was quite challenging! there were many tiny details~
and since nanyang's architecture is super nice and like symmetrical (isit?) and complicated, it was easy to draw and then paint 'out-of-shape' -____- (as seen in the painting)
nevertheless, i completed it! (with some help from cher! haha, had fun doing her painting too!)
we spent many many many weeks on it. i remembered coming back during the june holidays( ahhh paris and london trip!!!!) to complete this painting!!!!since my idea is fairly simple, just the building = nothing interesting = must depend on the painting + colours
so on to photoshop and played with different colours and tah dah! chose this colour scheme and started transfering it onto the canvas and finally painting it.

i think as compared to watercolour, oil paint is harder to control (for me)
maybe it's cause this is my first time using oils?
but its fun though
however, because my theme is pop art, i dont really have to blend, so i can be counted as a never-tried-blending-using-oil person
i think we used oil (my very very first time) during the painting of the flower (black/blue flower--> isit oil??)
yep, and i never succeeded at blending :)
i guess neat neat blending work isnt for me

(chermaine helped me a little with this painting! its totally her style luh!!! we sort of collaborated haha and helped each other with our paintings cause she was more of the blending kind and im more of the painting with loads of paint kind, here's her painting: 

i'm not someone who cares alot about the details(i'll try to care more~) so...
painting the tiny details, using a rough bristle brush = patience + patience + patience = something i'm NOT good at (I"LL TRY TO IMPROVE!!!!!) i can be seen moving around the class every 10 mins cause my patience has run out. i need to r e c h a r g e
so i feel that this assignment has allowed me to know (VERY CLEARLY) what my weaknesses are >)


ps/ mrs tan!! where are all our paintings!! we should display ALL of them cause the gallery is too e m p t y
pss/ anyone who reads it and wants a photo of you painting (though i dont have some) can either ask me for it or can go fb find!!!

medium: oil
info: 2D painting

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