Monday, November 14, 2011

print print print

print making again
this time with colours haha

first layer colour: blue
second layer: red
third layer: purple
fourth layer: black

the first layer paint. had to mix it cause there wasnt any light blue. the ink is not normal paint. its meant for wood printing? didnt see the bottle carefully but its sticky, v sticky (which partly explains why the ink transfer isnt that well. well, i dont really know how to make a full smooth print. perhaps making the paint less sticky? add some chemical? never tried so i dont know. there were limited materials but i guess making using a less sticky kind of paint works? gotta try it next time hehe)

(white is the paper colour haha)

so first you draw whatever pic you want on a foam board. then you use carving tools (like the wood carving thing we did) to carve certain parts you want. the part that you carved out will be the paper colour, meaning it wont have that colour when you roll the ink over. it requires a little planning but not much is needed. you can just roughly print and work as your design goes.

i forgot to take pic of the first layer :/ so here's the second layer and the final layer. too engrossed to remember taking pic of the 3rd layer

as you can see at the bottom, this is print 3/3
meaning its the third print and in total there are 3 prints.
since in print making, there wont be exact same results unless you are using a machine to print. so all 3 print will vary, which i find it interesting

this is the first print, as you can see, the ink transfer is quite bad (red ink) 

so i used more ink on the 2nd try and it turned out quite nice haha

for the 3rd print i tried lessening the amt of paint but using a little more than the first one

foam shavings. 
but it was worthwhile

so the 3 pieces below are the final. but of course they are different. so each piece is unique :D
i like how each of them turned out.

if possible i would try different colour combinations haha
but it was fun :D

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