today's post will be something about my past :))

this was my very very first clay lesson, when i was much much much younger. i dont remember how old i was then but i guess it was in lower primary, or even younger but i think its lower pri. haha.
in case you cant tell what these are, its (from left to right) a cat, a dog, and a rat!!
this is the dog! its made of one block of clay, and 4 smaller block and 1 sphere and 2 flat circles and a small ball(nose). i remember that the teacher taught me that in order to stick the two pieces of clay, we had to do some hatching thing. i drew criss crosses on the clay, took some slit, 'applied' it on the criss cross then stick the other piece on clay on it. (had to do hatching on the other piece too!) then i painted it and the colour has run~
this is the rat
HAHA, the colour has run very badly(see bottome pic)
this rat is very cute!
see the blob of paint? haha its so funny^^
all 3 animals are simplified and basic shapes were used to create them. i guess it is because it was done at a young age, so there's not much skill
im glad i've tried clay, i think it is very fun! now that im in nayang, we did a clay module in sec 3 i think..
i did an imaginary animal! a combination of different animals
i think it is still in school, so i'll take a picture of it and post it another time, hopefully, if i can get hold of my prep then i'll post pics of those too! i wonder if they are with mrs tan or has she returned it to us already~
medium: clay and paint
info: 3D sculpture, dog: l:11m, h:4.5cm, w:4cm
cat: l:6.5cm, h 7cm, w 5cm
rat: l 4.5cm, h 6cm, w 5cm
this is abstract expressionism!!!!
haha jackson pollock!!!!! my version!!!! actually, i only knew that this is abstract expressionism after learning it in sec 2!
this was done when i was 11 years old, that's .... primary 4? yup yup
at that time, i didnt know what i was doing, i was just spraying dripping paint everywhere on the canvas. i remember it was so much fun and i enjoyed myself throughly when doing this painting! there's no meaning behind this work, only fun and enjoyment. maybe it shows my state of mind at that time? the colours i choose may have deeper meanings but i suppose it was picked at random at that time. linking back to nanyang, our class did an abstract expressionism 201aep version, didnt take pic of it but it was about the same, just that it is bigger, on a brown paper placed on the floor and each of us took turns to drip paint over it. there was red white and purple. we were part of the work, moving around flinging out hands here and there pouring lumps of paint onto the paper. the process was fun. i think abstract expressionism is all about the process and interacting with the art itself. the meaning behind it is second place, not as important as the process(to me, my OWN thoughts) because my seeing the paint drops, it shows a state of mind, be it slow drops or rapid flinging of the brush to create thin and small drops of paint. well that's just my opinion, it differs from one another. this painting is now hanging on the wall in my house!
medium: arcylic paint on plastic like canvas(im not sure what its called, but its not the cloth canvas)
info: 2D painting, 21.5 inch x 28.5 inch
this painting was done when i was in primary school too! its chinese calligraphy! im good at drawing (chinese calligraphy) though my writing is horrible. this is a pair of fish, i have no idea what kind of fish isit. i forgot to write how old i was when i did this painting. its a fairly simple piece of painting. its also framed and is hanging on my wall in my house!
i have a few more calligraphy paintings done when i was younger (now i dont do calligraphy but i hope to take up calligraphy(painting) in my free time, if i even have the time) but then i have to search and dig for it. it is somewhere in my house haha. i think most of my artwork that i did when i was young, i still have it ^^ when i'm free, i'll go dig it up, take photos of it and post pictures of my primary school works!
its interesting when you look back at the works you do when you were younger. the way you see things is different from how to see things now
medium: chinese ink on rice paper
info: 2D painting, slightly bigger than a4 size
more old paintings will be posted in the future!